BIG highlight of my year is the Highlights Illustrators' Party. It takes place over a Fall weekend in Honesdale, Pennsylvania. Each year has a surprise theme that is introduced on the invitations. This years theme was, 'That's Silly' based on the That's Silly pages in Highlights High Five magazine.

The weekend takes a tremendous amount of planning by the Highlights staff. They truly stand behind their brand of wholesome family fun sponsoring such a wonderful party for illustrators and their families! The party started on a Friday evening with a barbecue at the Highlights founders home where the magazine was born. The event continues with a Saturday morning breakfast, speakers, portfolio sharing, and lunch. The annual costume party was held later in the afternoon at the Highlights editorial offices.

In keeping with the theme of the party, I went as a can of Silly String!
My cans of silly string were a hit with the kids.

Can you find me in the sea of wonderful costumes?
The picture book gals got together for a cover shot too!

The costume party was followed by dinner and square dancing in Beach Lake fire house. A mural of a 'That's Silly' page by illustrator
Chuck Dillon was displayed at the front of the room. We had silly napkins and silly favors on the tables to add to the fun!

The weekend ends with a country brunch on Sunday morning at the Founders' home, nature walks, hayrides, and lots of time reminiscing about past Illustrators' weekends. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet the great staff at Highlights and reconnect with fellow illustrators.
Thank You Highlights for your time and generous hospitality!